Lei Garden【Deluxe Abalone Set】 – New Transformation for Elegance

Hk工作區域 18 複本 5 100 (1)

“Per serving” is the new trend in Chinese cuising dining, dishes are served in small portion per serving, instead of large bowls or plates. With delicate plating and sincere services, we aim to bring satisfying dining experience for every customer.

In this “Deluxe Abalone Set” it highlights some of our signature dishes, including our Double Boiled American Sea Whelk Soup which is double-boiled for up to six hours with deep flavours. And the abalone is braised with abalone sauce, served with fresh vegetables and noodles, it may look simple but truly appetizing.

Book now:
Branch locations: https://leigarden.hk/location/hong-kong/